Canadian Customs Brokerage
Canadian Shipping Services
USPS First Class Mail is available for packages weighing less than 4 lbs. shipping internationally. This is the least expensive method available and takes approximately 4-6 weeks (no guarantees!).
USPS Priority Mail International takes 7-10 days to arrive at the border, but can take up to 2 months to clear customs. No joke! Regardless, it is still the best way to go. Please be aware that these shipments cannot be tracked, period. All one can do is wait patiently for the parcel to arrive.
UPS & FedEx International services are also available. UPS & FedEx shipments are fast, able to be tracked, and are often less expensive than USPS Priority Mail shipments.
UPS & FedEx International shipments cannot be shipped to a Canadian post office box.
Brokerage Fees to Canada
These are the approximate brokerage fees for UPS and FedEx as of August 2023. These fees are in ADDITION to import duties that will be imposed by your local government. FedEx and UPS will contact you before delivering to collect any brokerage or customs fees owed.
Cost of Order | UPS Standard to Canada Brokerage Fee | FedEx Ground Clearance Entry Fee | UPS Expedited & Express Brokerage Fees |
FedEx Economy & Priority |
> $40.00 |
None |
None |
None* |
None** |
$40.01 - $60.00 |
$17.25 |
$17.25 |
None* |
None** |
$60.01 - $100.00 |
$20.55 |
$21.25 |
None* |
None** |
$100.01 - $150.00 |
$27.40 |
$27.50 |
None* |
None** |
$150.01 - $200.00 |
$31.30 |
$32.25 |
None* |
None** |
$200.01 - $350.00 |
$57.30 |
$54.00 |
None* |
None** |
$350.01 - $500.00 |
$63.75 |
$54.00 |
None* |
None** |
$500.01 - $750.00 |
$75.95 |
$62.00 |
None* |
None** |
$750.01 - $1000.00 |
$85.85 |
$62.00 |
None* |
None** |
$1000.01 - $1600.00 |
$101.35 |
$71.50 |
None* |
None** |
$1600.01 - $2500.00 |
$115.25 |
$82.00 |
None* |
None** |
Each Additional $1,000.00 |
$8.00 |
$7.50 |
None* |
None** |
*When brokerage service for your imports is provided by UPS or its designate, there is no Entry Preparation Fee for routine customs clearance of UPS Worldwide Express Plus, UPS Worldwide Express, UPS Worldwide Express Freight, UPS Worldwide Express Freight Midday, UPS Worldwide Express Saver, and UPS Worldwide Expedited shipments, including up to five classification lines. Charges may apply for more complex customs clearance procedures.
**When a shipment is processed as a brokerage-inclusive shipment and FedEx Ground arrnanges for customs clearance services, a clearance entry fee may be charged in addition to applicable duties and taxes. Orders shipped via FedEx International Economy and FedEx International Priority should not receive these fees, however charges may apply for more complex customs clearance procedures. See below charts for more details..
Additional UPS Charges that May Apply:
Duty and Tax Amendment | $50.00 |
Import Permits (Each) | $23.00 |
Participating Government Department and Agency (PGA) Processing Fee | $16.00 |
Low-Value Shipment Amendment | $15.00 |
Each Additional Classification Line After the First Five Lines (Per Line) | $5.00 |
Import Collect on Delivery (ICOD) Fee The ICOD Fee is assessed when collecting import charges on delivery. To avoid the ICOD fee, enrol in UPS My Choice® to receive advance notification of import charges and pay online. Or call 1-800-PICK-UPS and ask about setting up a UPS Customs Brokerage/Importer Account |
$6.00 |
Invoice Integrity Fee |
$5.00 |
Warehouse Storage – Air/Ground, per Day After Two Days Assessed when shipments remain in the UPS warehouse after the two free days regardless of the customs broker |
$20.00 + $0.04 per lb. per day |
Additional FedEx Charges that May Apply:
Disbursement Fee We may disburse any applicable duties, taxes and other regulatory charges on your behalf, to ensure timely payment to the customs agency. The payer is responsible for the total amount disbursed, plus an additional fee as published in the charges. |
2.75% of the total duty and tax advanced or $11 CAD, whichever is greater |
Participating Government Department and Agency (PGA) Processing Fee | $16.00 |
Fax Fee When a party other than FedEx performs customs clearance, we will forward the entry documents via fax provided one of the following applies: You have your own internal brokerage department performing customs clearance. You are using an external broker, and the broker has one central location in Canada. You are using your account-security number and performing clearance-confirmation yourself. The fee of $3 per local call and $4 per long-distance call applies regardless of the number of pages being faxed. |
Local $3 per call
Long Dist: $4 per call |
Each Additional Classification Line After the First Five Lines (Per Line) |
$5.00 |
Warehouse Storage – Air/Ground, per Day After Two Days We may assess a storage fee if a shipment remains uncleared in the FedEx bonded facility beyond the time limit published in the charges. |
$0.25 per lb. per day after the first 48 hours |
Duty & Tax Claim Amendment A fee applies if we file an amendment with Customs in order to correct inaccurate duty-and-tax information on your entry documents. This fee also applies to voluntary entry amendments
$75 or 8% of the value of the claim, whichever is greater |
Account Security Processing By obtaining an account security number from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), you can maintain a direct billing and payment relationship with CBSA for duties and taxes. This also enables CBSA to send a K84 Summary that lists duties and taxes directly to the importer of record. If FedEx performs the customs release and the importer uses an external broker for confirmation, the fee for high-value shipments (shipments valued at $3,300 CAD or more) is $3 CAD. If FedEx performs the confirmation only, the fee is $7 CAD for all shipments. If FedEx performs the release and the confirmation, the fee is $10 CAD. |
Release: $3 Confirm: $7 Release & Confirm: $10 |
After Hours Clearance At your request, we will provide customs clearance after normal business hours. A per shipment fee will apply when outside of normal business hours, including Saturdays, or when an external broker requests customs documentation from us in order to facilitate clearance. |
FedEx Broker: $120 3rd Party Broker: $50 |
Business Registration Number Application A business registration number is required in order to import into Canada. If you don't have one, FedEx can, if requested, file an application with the CBSA on your behalf. |
$5 |
Import Permit Import Permits may be required in many countries to import certain goods or products into the local commerce. A fee is assessed for the Permit and or the cost o preparing and filing the Permit application to obtain the Import Permit. |
Single Line: $25 + CBSA fees Multiple Lines: $10 + CBSA fees |
Low-Value Shipment Document Exception If FedEx is clearing a low-value shipment (a shipment valued at less than $3,300 CAD) on your behalf through customs, we will, on request, provide you with copies of all clearance documentation at the time of duty-and-tax invoicing. |
$4 |
Low-Value Shipment Entry Correction A fee applies when on your behalf, we correct an error on your entry documents for a low-value shipment valued at less than $3,300 CAD. The error must be identified on or before the 20th of the month following the shipping date. If the error is identified after the 20th of the following month, the correction must be processed as a duty-and-tax claim. |
$25 per entry |
Low-Value Shipment Entry Exception Under CBSA regulations, shipments valued at less than $3,300 CAD are automatically released through customs. However, you can request a formal customs release prior to delivery. |
$4 |
Temporary Import When you request shipments to be imported on a temporary basis for a specified time, FedEx may coordinate the importation process by advising, preparing and filing the required documents as specified by Customs. |
$120 per entry |
Transfer in Bond At your request FedEx can prepare the necessary documents to move inbound shipments from their point of arrival to another location for customs clearance. We will obtain the approval from Customs that will allow the goods to move between the two locations prior to clearance. FedEx will charge a fee for the document preparation. The consignee will be responsible for any additional freight charges. |
$40 per entry |
ROD Fee Charged to customers with no acct number or poor payment history for collection at time of delivery. |
$10 + Applicable Tax |