Product Reviews

Post a review and earn some GoBucks Points! We love hearing from you, and your product feedback helps us know what we're doing right and the areas in which we can improve. The process is simple: Once you've purchased and used a GoWesty product, let us know what you liked and/or disliked about your experience. Once we've evaluated your review to make sure it meets our review criteria (for example, that you purchased the product from GoWesty and that your review doesn't contain any inappropriate content), you'll get 100 GoBucks Points. Easy peasy! 

How do I spend the points I earn? Great question! Once you have at least 500 points, you can redeem them for e-Gift Cards to spend on yourself or share with a friend. Full details on GoBucks Points and e-Gift cards can be found here.


The Fine Print: The revew rewards program is for legitimate reviews from actually purchased products only. GoWesty reserves the right to delete fraudulently left reviews and to rescind any rewards earned for fake reviews.