POR-15 Metal Prep

Works With:All Vehicles

Proposition 65: This product may contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Self-certified made in USA of U.S. and imported parts

The POR-15 three-step plan for permanent rust-proofing:

• Step #1 - Cleaner/Degreaser
• Step#2 - Metal Prep
• Step#3 - Paint

POR-15's PREP & READY provides the best adhesion for POR-15 paint on any metal surface, including aluminum and shiny polished metal surfaces. It gently etches metal, creating an ideal anchor pattern for coatings such as POR-15, while simultaneously leaving a zinc phosphate coating to insure chemical bonding of paint and steel. Avoid other preps that may leave harmful residues which prevent proper adhesion. After thoroughly degreasing your work piece, apply environmentally safe PREP & READY to both neutralize any rust and etch any clean bare metal. This will allow better adhesion of POR-15 or any other paint.

In every car manufacturing facility, steel in different parts of the car body often comes from different steel mills and different production lots, and the surface texture varies with the condition of the steel mill rolls which cold roll the steel to its final thickness. Also, surface cleanliness varies with the mill's cleaning procedures, especially the procedures used to control carbon smut. Often, carbon smut is actually baked onto the steel during the high-temperature annealing process which follows rolling. This carbon smut is impossible to remove except by mechanical abrasion. Rust varies with the care taken in handling (1) at the steel mill, (2) during transportation and storage, and (3) during fabrication. Steel stored for a long time with rust inhibiting oil will react to form an incomplete oxide known as oil stain. The result of all this is that ordinary steel varies widely in the manner in which it accepts coatings. Although some commercial steel provides an excellent surface for coatings, you are just as likely to find steel which gives poor adhesion and poor rust resistance, even with good coatings. Often the same mill will produce both very good and very poor surface quality, depending upon a number of uncontrolled factors. Nearly all the above problems can be overcome by using POR-15 Prep & Ready before you coat your steel with POR-15. Think of Prep & Ready as an inexpensive insurance policy that guarantees perfect adhesion of POR-15 to any metallic surface every time. Whether you paint your car or your fence or your outdoor furniture, the problems are always the same, because you don't know anything about the steel you're painting or what mill it came from, and you can't learn anything by just looking at it even if you have perfect vision!