Cylinder Head [Vanagon]

Works With:1983-1991

Proposition 65: This product may contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.

If you need to replace the cylinder heads on your waterboxer, you've come to the right place. We offer two excellent options for you: As-delivered from AMC, “right out of the box” fully assembled by AMC for the best price you will find anywhere, or a thoroughly gone-through by GoWesty - for no more than some retailers get for the “out of the box” AMC head.

Fits: All 1983-91 waterboxers. Sold individually. Two required per engine.

Options - Please make your selection in the drop-down menu:
• NEW AMC complete cylinder head assembly, as delivered from Spain* or....
• NEW AMC complete cylinder head assembly, thoroughly gone-through by GoWesty

*One can purchase an AMC cylinder head for a waterboxer from any number of parts suppliers, but buyer beware. The Spanish AMC casting is the best there is, but a complete AMC cylinder head assembly is not as good as it can be right out of the box. If you are going to spend your hard earned money on new cylinder heads, we highly recommend you go the extra mile and select our GoWesty-built heads.

We purchase AMC cylinder heads directly from the source in bulk, as complete assemblies, ready to bolt on. These AMC-built heads we sell are no different than what you can get anywhere else (they never even get taken out of the box!), except for the price—we buy directly from AMC, so we've got everyone beat there!

The GoWesty-built AMC head get:
• Unbox and completely disassembled
• Measure valve guide clearance
• Measure valve seat eccentricity: three angle valve grind if/as needed
• Measure cylinder counter bore depth
• Blend valve seat to combustion chamber with a radius cutter in the seat and guide machine
• Sand/blend between valve seats and around spark plug
• Measure and polish valve stems
• Face valves
• Final clean all parts and re-assemble

What we end up with is a cylinder head that is better than the AMC-built cylinder head assembly, and miles better than the original Volkswagen example in all regards.

It is said "You get what you pay for," but that is not always the case. It is simply a crime that most retailers sell the same AMC-built cylinder heads without even opening the box for the same, or an even higher price than we sell our GoWesty-built heads! Nobody knows more about the waterboxer, and our experience represents true added value, making buying a GoWesty AMC cylinder head money very well spent.

Bottom line: you can get a regular out-of-the box AMC head at GoWesty for a lower price than anywhere else, guaranteed. And in some cases, even our GoWesty-built AMC head can be had for less than what some places get for the regular ol’ out-of-the box AMC head!

Do it right, do it once: cry once!

Click here to read the full cylinder head story!